Startland News
When Puppets Talk, People Listen
March 2023
Evolution at the nonprofit has taken a turn toward early childhood education since the retirement of Paul Mesner in 2016 — 30 years after he founded the former Messner Puppets. While the original mission focused on inspiring children and communities through storytelling, What If Puppets’ new efforts go further, detailed Henry, executive director.

The Independent
February 2022
Puppet theater has been around for millennia: Archaeologists have found remains to suggest that puppetry existed in ancient Egypt, Asia, and Africa some 3,000 years ago or more. It has formed an essential part of performance culture wherever theater has flourished, so it is perhaps not surprising that it has played an active role in Kansas City’s burgeoning theater scene for decades.

KC Voyage
Exploring Life and Business with Meghann Henry of Mesner Puppet Theater
JULY 6, 2021
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Over 34 years the company has evolved and changed with the times. We began primarily as a touring company but over time, we took on a mainstage season, a building, and education programs. During Covid-19, we reflected on what we do best and how we could have the greatest impact on young people in the city...

American Theater Magazine
Know a Theatre: Mesner Puppet Theater of Kansas City, Mo.
With original and adapted puppet shows for young audiences (and occasionally adults), Mesner makes theatre that is deeply felt.

Kansas City Star
Kansas City’s Coterie, Mesner Puppets combine for ‘Tall Tale’ about a sea monster
APRIL 28, 2021 05:00 AM

KC Studio
Adapt or Die...
by Brian McTavish July 27, 2020​
How Mesner Puppets is Charting a Future in Changing Times
Meghann Henry, Mesner Puppets’ new producing artistic director, realized in mid-March that her pre-pandemic plans to retool the venerable puppet theater might not be enough to save it from the unanticipated peril of COVID-19.